EOWMR Featured on Rucking.com

Rucking.com published a piece on the 2018 End of Watch Memorial Ruck.

You can read an excerpt of it here:

“The goal of End of Watch Memorial Ruck (EOWMR) is first to remember those in Law Enforcement who have given all in service of their community and country, second to help raise money for officers injured in the line of duty and for the families left behind when an officer has given all.

EOWMR’s first event was held in Santa Rosa Beach, FL, but they are hoping to expand to other areas in the coming years.

In addition to an annual ruck, EOWMR is encouraging members of its community do monthly rucks to honor the fallen with most of them putting in one mile for every officer who died in the line of duty during a given month.”

The full post is available on their site at Rucking.com.


2019 End of Watch Memorial Ruck Announced


2018 EOWMR Featured in Pensacola News Journal